(Deutsche Version)
Urban Media Salon is a special discussion format and a monthly dinner encounter of a close cultural
network. It
brings together interested experts from various disciplines, to debate
the reciprocity of urban space and current media phenomena. We aim
to establish a vivid discourse around the growing impact of New Media
on our cities. Exclusive local and international guests are regularly
invited to these private Salon discussions to inspire and support progress.
Each evening one person leads and sets a focus of the discourse or presents his work for discussion. The intimate atmosphere around the dinner table with a limited number of 10 participants shall provide a space for intense exchange through an honest and shared discussion, catalyzed through the social aspect of food and drinks. We want to connect people face to face to facilitate a vivid discourse. The rules are
- the Salonière provides simple food, the guests bring the drinks
- be prepared with ideas and comments to engage in a lively exchange
- be open, respectful and fair in discussion and make it short.
What connotations arise the term "Urban Media"?
City as medium:
Urban Media should be more than a popular term for web design
firms and out of home advertisement companies, dedicated to the
commercial world of our cities!
In April 2005 the URBAN MEDIA SALON began with an informal questionnaire in addressing the virtual networks of mailing lists,
colleagues and
personal friends in reaction to a disillusioning Google search: What
connotations arise the term "Urban Media"?
A first stepto
work collaboratively on a (re)definition of the term and to question
the common notion about the connection of media an urban space.
search in Google for the term "Urban Media" in April 2005 reveals a clear
1. Company
focused on African American and urban-themed entertainment. Includes films,
discussions, links and contacts.
2. Offers web design, marketing and promotion, hosting, database design,
technical support and related services.
3. Sarai The New Media Initiative Delhi India. ... A space for research,
practice and conversation about the contemporary media and urban constellations.
4. Atlanta Urban Mediamakers Association focusing on animation, film,
television and video.
5. ... Copyright © 2005 CitySites Urban Media. All rights reserved.
Site design by iconduet. :: Home :: About Us :: Endorsements :: Broadcasts
:: Partners
6. Urban Media, 164 West Wycombe Road, High Wycombe, HP12 3AE, United
Kingdom, ... Urban Media are the exclusive web designers for www.uk-trucking.net,
7. Urban Media manages monumental advertising. We rent locations and manage
everything from the permits to the production of the giant billboards..
8. Pressemeldungen. Fotoservice. Österreichischer Plakatpreis 2004.
Großer Österreichischer Plakatpreis in Platin McDonald's -
Baby ...
9. Presents photographs of Melbourne graffiti from the early 80's to the
present day.,...
10. Welcome urbanmediadesign offers web consulting, design and development
for small businesses, entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations. ...